Rushworth Community House

Providing services to the local community

Tag Archives: Basic office skills

RCH Term 3 courses 2011–Wednesday-Basic office skills, webDotMasters, Wood-fire pizzas, Pilates at Colbo, WACA

OF-03  Basic Office Skills

Do you want to go back out to work but haven’t a clue what to do in an office?  Been out of the workforce for years and apprehensive about applying for a job again?  Well this course is for you.

Learn basic office management and telephone skills, customer service and office etiquette as well as basic computer programs & skills to manage work on a day-to-day basis.
Dates:   7 weeks starts 19th July
Times:   9.30am – 12.30pm
Cost:     $72  ($56 Concession)

CW-02 webDotMasters

Learn about the internet, making a web site, or other aspects of the WWW.
Dates:   Every Wednesday morning
Times:   9.30am – 12.00 midday
Cost:     $5.50 per session

GA-01  Wood Fired Pizzas

What could be better – wood-fired Pizzas!  Once you have tasted these – just nothing else compares – put it in your diary NOW!
Dates:   1st Wednesday of every month
Times:   12 noon
Venue:   Rushworth Community Garden
Cost:      $2 donation or more if you wish

ST-05  Pilates @ Colbo

Come and enjoy an evening of exercise with this very friendly group of people
Dates:    10 weeks starts  20th July
Times:    6.30pm – 7.30pm
Venue:    Colbinabbin Hall
Cost:      $120 per term (11% discount for whole term)
             or $13.50 casual per night ($135)

AC-07  W.A.C.A. – Wednesday Art & Craft Afternoon

Here’s an afternoon where you can bring any form of Art or Craft to do.  Come & have a cuppa, knit, sew, embroider, paint, everyone most welcome. Excursions possible through term so please register.
Dates:    10 week starts 20th July (see below)
Times:    1pm – 3.30pm
Cost:      $3 per session
Note: Wed 27th July will be XMAS CARDMAKING workshop – there will be an additional charge of $15 for supplies & will start at 10am -> 3.30pm – Bookings essential to purchase sufficient stock.  Bring your own lunch. Tea and coffee supplied. Anyone welcome